Saturday, May 16, 2009

An All-New Brilliant Innovation Competition

I love nothing more than a competition where you can use your wits alone to triumph over everyone else. So, of course, I love Digital Open, a community where kids 17 and under can submit just about any project that they've been working on, be it a musical piece or robot. I've submitted one of my simple robots and BW Science Labs already, and I plan on posting many more.

Unfortunately, we live in a world today where most teens are sucked into TV and video games, losing the advantages they have when they are young and wasting precious time. Digital Open is a great effort to try and get kids off the couch and spend more time following their passion.

Perhaps my favorite thing about Digital Open is the community. Through DO I have been given great ideas on how to improve BW Science Labs, and a fellow Digital Open user, Joseph Dudley, created our current logo which is now in use.

I encourage everyone under 17 to submit at least a project or two at Digital Open, its definitely worth it.

And hey, you can win some cool prizes in the process, and earn "Achievements" like mine:


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