Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

Today's NASA image of the day (featured down on the right column) is something truly special. This image was taken by the International Space Station the day of the attack. Even the peaceful and quiet outer space was not the same that day, as astronauts from all over the world watched this tragic incident take place.

Rather than only remember those who died 1 day a year, I decided to put this image as my background for now, so I would always remember. I suggest you do the same.


Anonymous said...

What a searing and unique perspective to remind us of that horrific day. Thank you for making the memory of it more potent all year around, and in do so, reminding us to live fully and constructively and meaningfully every day.

Anonymous said...

You have provided the world with a view that was never mentioned yesterday in the memorial services: the universe's experience of that fateful experience. It is a reminder of ourselves in time and space and the eternal. Thank you for this gift.

Anonymous said...

What an evocative sight, showing the trail of tears into the eternal. Your site makes us think about the event in a new way. Thanks, Brennon, for doing this once again.

Anonymous said...

I think both presidential candidates should visit your site and contemplate your pictures and concern and compassion.

Anonymous said...

Brennon, I have just discovered your website. Because of my shortcoming in the scientific field, I must admit that your procedures and their results are profoundly interesting. Would that I could understand more fully how you have arrived at your conclusions. They are truly fascinating.

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