One of the biggest problems with BW Science Labs is that this site does not support uploading Files. So, I finally built a new site to house Science Quarterly Files, BW Science Labs files, and more. You can visit BW Files here, though it will be a little while until all of the files are properly uploaded.
Let me know if you think this is a good idea by posting a comment below.
I'm currently out of town, so as usual I will mention some articles coming soon:
1. I'm nearly done configuring the computer the size of your fist, so it will make its debut within a few weeks or less.
2. Quite a bit more on soldering, I've set up some fun little projects that will hopefully lead to more advanced ideas.
3. Some experimentation with DIY Technology from 1983.
4. Hopefully more info of both BW Science Labs iPhone apps (yes, there are 2).
4. And as always, much, much more.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Now Launching BW Files
Posted by Brennon at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: misc.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Building Applications for the iPhone
Today, I finally got back to developing applications for the iPhone. I've been a bit reluctant, to say the least, because Coca Touch is an annoying programming language to learn, and isn't very useful to me aside from developing iPhone apps. Coincidentally, only hours after working on my BW Science Labs RSS reader app, I found this article about a nine-year-old boy named Ding Wen created an application called Doodle Tools. Apparently, Wen is already fluent in 6 programming languages, certainly better than most professionals can say.
I've registered my iTouch for testing however I also need certification to test my app, so my certificate has to be processed and accepted. Assuming my application ever makes it to the app store, it will be free. Unfortunately this is the worse of the two versions I've built, however after far too much time trying to figure out how to make the UI Web View controller work in Xcode, I decided to go ahead with my original program. I may later use my second version as a Pro version or an update.
I have no idea how long it will take for me to be able to test my app on my iTouch, however I just hope it doesn't end up crashing my iPod.
In the meantime, I've ordered a book on DIY lasers written in 1983 (not exactly the safest guide to follow) and a soldering kit. I look forward to building more fun things.
Posted by Brennon at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Labels: misc.