Monday, March 2, 2009

From Passion to Action Science Lecture

Today I gave a lecture on how I went from my passion to action. I discuss both BW Science Labs and Science Quarterly in a two part series.

And no, my voice does not sound like this in real life.

You can also watch this video here.

You can also watch this video here.

This lecture was given in front of about 200 or 300 people, and hopefully many more online.

Here are the slides (click to enlarge):

A very special thanks to Nancy Fortman for her support for the past three years, and to David Mugglebee for making this presentation possible.


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely stunning and fantastic! No doubt you have inspired many in person and on your sites. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Great presentation. Keep up the good work.

- Marc

Anonymous said...

That was such a wonderful presentation! Did you present this to your classmates?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including your slides from the presentation on this website. They are clear, useful, and encouraging. This is a wonderful presentation!

CathyR said...

Well done Brennon! You spoke so well about doing what you love that I'm sure you have inspired a number of your listeners. Bring me another book list! - Mrs. Rettberg

Anonymous said...

Hey, Brennon,
I must say that this was an excellent feat. I am currently a college undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics, and I'm only just now realizing that I really can contact some of the elites and they will talk back.

I wish I had learned what you learned when you learned it, if that sentence makes sense (I'm in computer science, not English. :D)

I'm subscribing to your website's feed through Google Reader. Keep up the awesome work, and I'll keep reading.

Anonymous said...

You are a fantastic public speaker and your projects and message are inspiring for people of all ages. (BTW I also learned of your site via Make.)

Anonymous said...

Your presentation provides a superb outline for delving into any passion or learning experience. It must be extremely helpful to young people, but would also be useful for adults to pursue their interests and dreams.

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