Sunday, November 15, 2009

Unityers gone Wild and Screenshots for Upcoming Game

Unity 3D game companies are starting to pop up all over the internet radar. Once Unity made their Indie 2.6 game engine free, people started going Unity crazy, including me.


Speaking of Unity, I've been working on my own little project, and here are a few photos of the in game artwork.

The 3D city I have is pretty darn big and it's exciting to finally be working on a fully 3D project. This game is just a way for me to learn 3D programming by doing. I admit it really is just another first person shooter, but once I get the coding down I'll be able to work on some more creative projects.

I'm slowing store product development for now as I'm setting aside money to get a new BW Science Labs site. Once that's finished I expect to develop an explosion of awesome new products.

I've been getting some feedback from people who have bought the Vivus the Robot Kit from the BW Science Labs Store and aside from a little constructive criticism, the feedback has been really good. It's nice to know that people all over the world (and I really do mean all over) are putting together the kit and its not exploding it their faces. When people are putting together a robot you never know what will happen, they skip one step and it becomes aware, building armies of itself and setting its advanced mind on world domination. Well, actually that would be kinda cool, but you get the idea.


Chris Rojas said...

Have you tried sending or receiving OSC signals from Unity3d? I just recently found out about Unity3d, it looks like it could be super useful and fun, unfortunately I think sending OSC signals from it is above my head at the moment.

Brennon said...

Hmmm. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks incredible. My "Unitying" is just a little side project for now, but maybe later I could see if BW Science Labs could do something similar.

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