Friday, June 6, 2008

Harnessing the Most Powerful Telescopes on your Computer-LIVE

A few years ago, I was given perhaps the kindest and most cruel gift I had ever gotten, a SLOOH 50 minute time card. With a few clicks of the mouse I was able to harness extremely powerful dome telescopes and use them live. I witnessed some of the most beautiful and remarkable masses that were once outside my reach. I gawked at nebulae, stared in wonder at galaxies, and gazed at other planets. I could do all of this LIVE, taking pictures along the way. I had the universe at my fingertips, and I fell in love.

Then, it was all snatched away, almost instantly as the "You are out of credits" sign smugly grinned up at me. It was gone.

Two years later I now have a "Commander" membership for $99.99 a year. The planets have trembled in my presence. Galaxies retreated at my gaze. I was in control, and I still am. I am the master of the universe, I am Brennon.

Of course, anyone can be master of the universe (its really not that hard), its all there for you at Almost every night, I use their telescopes in Chile, Australia, and the Canary Islands. With the Commander ranking, you get your own webpage to show off your pictures. At I have over 500 pictures, growing rapidly.

See you there,



Anonymous said...

Fascinating! What a fabulous opportunity through "Commander" to see thing in the sky that I never dreamed were there! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The night sky looked plain before now. I want a telescope!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're enjoying your membership. Thanks for blogging about Slooh!

-Tierney O'Dea - COO

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