Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Status: MIT's New Toy and BW Science Labs Goes Global


Those of you who know me, know how much I love MIT. Hey, who doesn't? The first Rapid Prototyping machines came from them, along with the first robots to learn like a human child, and having an on-campus nuclear reactor is pretty darn cool too. MIT unveiled their newest toy this week, a robot that can autonomously navigate through and map 3D terrain using lasers. Now this is the kind of work I want to be doing when I'm in college.

[or watch this video on MIT Tech TV]


This has been a fantastic week for BW Science Labs. The BW Science Labs Store visitor increase is up 1,884% this month, and BW Science Labs is up 99%. I've spent the weekend managing the flood of orders for the Vivus the Robot kit, and while I don't particularly enjoy being on the "service" end of "customer service" things are going pretty well.

This week, BW Science Labs was featured on Boing Boing Media and MAKE Magazine's blog.

I managed to make an LED explode (it was actually pretty cool) while prototyping the BWSL Store's next kit. I'll be sure to write more on it when I have something working.


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