Friday, November 7, 2008

Attempted Security Breach

Literally moments ago, my computer was almost broken into. I own a macbook, and was heavily disappointed in its failure to respond.

While reading about rockets, I opened up a new link from google. A "The Internet Plug-In Cannot Be Found" message came up, and I could see the download bar on the page. I attempted to cancel out of the page, but messages kept popping up, I did not waste any time reading them. I quit out of my browser and restarted my computer. From what I could see the download was about half-way done when I quit. I will not post any of the links here, for your safety, however I will tell you what not to click on.

I took these out of my "History" folder:
[Please click on any image to enlarge]

This is a picture of the Google link that took me to the virus:

Ironically the words: "Internet Security is Important" was the name of the virus download page.

What I find troubling was that the link was highly ranked on Google. I'll be spending this weekend assessing my computer's security risk, and I will be making some adjustments.

Thankfully, I keep no sensitive data on this computer, however that doesn't mean I want it broken into.

The irony is I just wrote an article on hacking. I will refrain from calling the attacker a "Hacker". Instead I prefer "Cyber-terrorist" for two reasons: Its more accurate, and it sounds very exciting (joking).

Well, I'm off to check for damage and to upgrade security.

I really need to stop using Safari...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Good thing you noticed when you did. I am always nervous about my computer getting broken into. What precautions can I do?!? I do have Trend Micro Internet Security.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this warning! I never know when I am vulunerable, and your information helps!

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