Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Quick Note On BW Science Labs Security

The last post seemed to worry a person or two, and I would like to quickly clarify any gray areas that may have arised.

BW Science Labs runs on Google's servers. Google owns some of the most powerful multi-layered firewalls on the planet. BW Science Labs is just as safe as Google.com, which I can promise you is not going to be broken into any time soon.

My personal computer could be ransacked and destroyed by every single virus ever created, and BW Science Labs would be untouched. The actual site BW Science Labs is happily sitting in one of Google's digital storage facilities, surrounded by a plethora of firewalls and security counter measures that no supercomputer or human could ever break into.

Also, BW Science Labs isn't exactly a primary target for computer "crackers" (the most accurate term), as no money or sensitive data ever circulates through it.

I hope this clears things up.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update and making me feel safer on the web. I went out and bought that book you recommended. Thank you sooooo much, what a big help.

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