Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I feel pretty guilty about not writing up some more fun stuff, however we all need a break sometime. I'm out of town (and thus away from my equipment), but I do have my computer with me. So, here are some new articles coming soon:

Before the end of break

1) html tutorials

2) Xcode/ iPhone SDK updates, info, etc.(sorry, because of the "NDA" I can't legally put up tutorials, and I'm really not in the mood to get sued by Apple).

3) How to upgrade your macbook to make it better than the newer models for much less.

And after Break

1) How to build a full-on computer about the size of your fist.

2) Science Quarterly articles

3) and much, much more!

I've been having a great time with my family, reading up on Xcode, learning html, working on Science Quarterly, reading my cousin's blog on how to annoy your older sisters.


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